Resize column from exist table with SQL Server
指令: ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name datatype(size)
Resize column from exist table with SQL Server
指令: ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name datatype(size)
開發手機版的 Web 網站,如果每次測試都要先裝到手機才能測試,那真的是一件令人抓狂的事,所以最簡便的方式就是用一般瀏覽器來模擬手機的瀏覽器,可以讓測試更容易進行。
Google Chrome 模擬手機瀏覽器的方法有兩種:
刑事局呼籲民眾檢查個人電腦是否感染DNSChanger,這惡意軟體由「ROVE DIGITAL」公司開發,以「域名系統綁架」(DNS Changer)病毒綁架全球上百萬台電腦、四百多萬筆IP,只要上網就會強制跳出廣告;該公司並藉此獲取1千4百萬美元的不法廣告收益。
OCX 檔案(ActiveX)是微軟提供的功能強大的開發應用技術。
ActiveX Control 是一個自動化物件,也是一個標準的COM物件,也是一個界面,如同Windows的普通控制項一樣。
DateTime dt = DateTime.NOw; // 取得現在時間
String str = dt.ToString(); // 轉成字串,例:2012/6/5 下午 04:43:57
虎I(德語:Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I,或簡稱為虎式戰車)是第二次世界大戰中納粹德國使用的一款著名重型戰車。虎式戰車自1942年開始生產,特別設計用於反制德國在巴巴羅薩作戰初期遭遇的蘇聯優秀戰車—特別是T-34和KV-1,之後更參與了歐洲戰場各重大陸上戰役。虎式戰車的主要武器為已在防空和反戰車中表現優良的88公釐高射炮衍生型—88公釐戰車砲,但其極為重型的裝甲使得其速度變得極慢,為德軍第一種將機動力順位置於火力與防護力之後的戰車。
The MSW-004 Gundam [Kestrel] is a prototype mobile suit developed and built at the Oakland Newtype Lab operated by the Titans. It was originally designed specifically to be piloted by Titans Cyber-Newtype Rossweisse. The Kestrel was created to be a fast and highly maneuverable machine, and ran a total of three generators which were housed in the main body and legs. It uses a direct connected thruster which could produce tremendous thrust. Because of its high-thrust and high levels of acceleration, normal pilots could not safely exploit the capabilities of the Kestrel. The Kestrel utilized a Core Block System, which was unusual for its time, whereas the Gryps Conflict-era mobile weapons saw accelerated development in variable mobile suit technology. The core block fighter is capable of docking and separation, and primarily functions as the cockpit of the machine. When docked, the engine nacelles of the core fighter act as the Kestrel's main thrusters/backpack. The core fighter is equipped with two beam sabers stored in the binders, which also function as beam saber racks. The core block featured an improved main computer to allow high speed transferring of combat data.